Friday, September 18, 2015

Someone that Inspires Me

I recently challenged my Rubi Z family to a photo challenge in hopes that I too would be encouraged and challenged to capture some photographs outside of the work flow.

Although I will not be blogging about every single photo challenge, this one semi-demanded that I blog.  It is something so meaningful to me that needed more substance than a photo.

This week is the first week of the challenge and the challenge was to capture "Someone that Inspires You."  So here she one other than My Mom (Mami).

If you do not know anything about my mother, here's a VERY BRIEF description of who she is as a person with a little background.  My mother was born in Mexico and of course married my father.  Together they had 6 kids and were always back and forth from Mexico to Bakersfield so some of us were born in Mexico and some here in Bakersfield.  At a very young age she was already tending to a home and helping her mother and taking on responsibilities of a young woman.  I'm guessing God was already preparing her to be the amazing mother she was one day going to be.  For many reasons which can not be listed, her and my father decided to separate, mostly for difference of opinions and perspectives on life and family.  She took on 6 children on her own and in the entire time of this life with my mother I can recall two relationships that my mother had after her separation with my dad, because she was truly someone who devoted ALL her time to her children.  From one of those relationships she then had my sister Karina.
So here is this mother, this brave, beautiful mother.  I recall memories of struggle to get us ahead.  I remember moments of lack.  I remember her working multiple jobs.  I remember so much but one thing that rings even louder than the hard times and the struggles were the incredible memories that she created for us.  My mother never spoke to us about the struggles, we would just see the evidence of it sometimes.  She was a believer-she believed there was more for us...and she made it happen.  She never complained...ever!  She now confesses to spending several moments behind closed doors in the bathroom or her room crying and not knowing what tomorrow was going to hold...but she came out like a warrior each time, never allowing us to see the struggle.  Somehow this woman fought her way through school clothes, school supplies, extra curricular activities, field trips, family trips, graduations and all that comes with that, proms etc of 7 kids!
You would think that was more than enough, but it doesn't stop there.  She did not settle.  She was a thinker and a doer.  She thought that she needed more to get her children ahead and fought her way through Barber College school.  When others tried to talk her out of it.  When all doors seemed impossible-she did it.  She not only got herself but encouraged her daughters to follow in the same footsteps.  She is now a proud owner of a very popular Barber Shop here in Bakersfield (M&D's Barber Shop) that has now been established since 1999.  This barber shop is more than a is a triumph!  It is an anthem...a victory!  When others said she couldn't she proved she could.  When doubt came in her mind many times, she pressed through.  She has established something for herself and for her children that no one can and will ever take away.  She is an overcomer.


The strongest actions for a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine amongst those who never believed she could. ~unknown

 Ok, I had to pause after all of the above because when it comes to my mother, tears immediately start to flow. Lets continue....

*I asked my mom what makes her the happiest and this is what she responded. 
"My greatest joy is when I have all of you with me and not one of you is missing. Watching you everybody being so happy with your family and kids...that is the greatest joy."-Mom

Here are a few other questions I asked my mom, she responded all in spanish so I am translating them for you all:

*Out of all these many years, what was the hardest thing about being a single mom trying to get yourself and seven kids ahead in life?
"The hardest time was when you all began to grow up and you all had your own ideas and desires that created grander expenses.  I had such a fear that I could no longer control you guys or make decisions for you all.  Another hard thing was the fear of not being able to keep you all united and close since that is the greatest desire of mine."-Mom

*Knowing everything that you know now. Knowing everything you went through and the hardships that you were going to have along the way. Would you do it again?
"Of course I would.  For my kids I would do anything."-Mom

*What are some of your favorite things to do for yourself?
"Nothing too special, I just love my hair appointments and every once in a while I love to get pedicures...and of course I love my Starbucks!" -Mom

*Mom if there was one thing you could tell other moms or women who are in your shoes and who struggle at times...what would you say?

"I would say to have courage. Nothing is easy, but with a little bit of faith and dedication...everything is possible!" -Mom

So I am sure that by reading this blog, you can somewhat understand WHY she is the woman who inspires me.  When I am overwhelmed with my children SHE INSPIRES ME.  When I get frustrated with my husband SHE INSPIRES ME to be a better wife to him. When I think that I can't accomplish my dreams and my goals...SHE INSPIRES ME.  When I feel tired and I feel like I can't do the every day things-SHE INSPIRES ME to be selfless.  To all the single mothers out there supporting their children and fighting for a better future DON'T GIVE UP.  Your kids will honor you, they will respect you for the rest of their lives.  There is no greater joy to my mother than to see the fruit of everything she invested for us coming to fruition.  Though we are not perfect children and we have made our own mistakes and choices, my mothers words and courage are always with all of us...pressing through...making a difference in our homes and in our worlds.  Be powerful for you kids!  Thank you mom!  We are THE LUCKY SEVEN.  

Here are a few words my siblings had to say.

We love you so much MOM!  Please share this with anyone you feel can use some encouragement today!  Thank you for those participating in the #rubizphotochallenge.  I look forward to seeing who inspires you and all the upcoming challenges we have.

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